What Are Active Ingredients in Skin Care Products?

The ingredients of skin care products are probably not something that makes a large amount of sense to the average individual. The lists are usually quite long and include words most of us have probably never heard before. Attempting to comprehend the full ingredient list before any skincare purchase would take up a lot more time than it should. There are some ingredients to look for though that will be extremely helpful in determining if a certain product is going to work for you.

What are the active ingredients?

Active ingredients in skincare products are responsible for delivering the proposed benefits of a particular product. They are in all types of skincare products, even in natural products. The strengths of the active ingredients vary based on whether you’re using over-the-counter or prescription products. Active ingredients are essential in making skincare products work. There can be side effects to overusing strong ingredients like these on your face though. It is important to know when too much of a certain product could begin to hurt your skin rather than help it.
There is a skincare product on the market today for nearly every single problem a person might have with their skin. The most basic of skincare products, though, are intended to help keep your skin clean and properly hydrated. Cleansers, toners, astringents, moisturizers, masks and spot correctors all fall under the umbrella of skincare products. Depending on your personal needs, you may choose acne, anti-aging or dry-skin products. Still, a product is useless if it doesn’t have the ingredients to fulfill its promises. This is where active ingredients come into play in the skincare world. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) defines most skincare products as cosmetics because of their ingredients, as well as their intention to cleanse, alter or beautify the skin.

Examples of active ingredients

The precise types of active ingredients used in a product are based on an item’s function. Common acne-fighting ingredients might include salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. Natural anti-aging products might contain antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, as well as alpha-hydroxy acids to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Dimethicone and petrolatum are in certain deep moisturizers to trap water in the skin for extra hydration.

Product-labeling measures

The FDA requires ingredients in skincare to be labeled with the primary ingredient listed first. This means that when you turn your skincare product over to read the ingredient list, the ingredient name that you read first is the one that takes up the highest percentage of that particular product. You might find that cosmetic containers list the active and inactive ingredients separately. This makes things a lot easier for you as it is done intentionally to help consumers identify the active ingredients. For example, if you are looking for an acne product but aren’t fond of salicylic acid because maybe it dries you out or you are allergic, then the labeling can help you eliminate related skincare items quickly.

Prescription versus over-the-counter strengths

Active ingredients are available in both prescription and over-the-counter skincare products. Prescription skincare items contain higher concentrations of active ingredients, so be sure to discuss the details with a doctor or pharmacist before using it. For example, retinoids are available in over-the-counter skincare products, but prescription-strength retinoids are used for severe acne. Hydrocortisone is available over-the-counter for mild irritation, while stronger formulas may be prescribed for the treatment of eczema. The severity of your condition dictates the strength of the active ingredients you need. If you think you need a higher percentage of active ingredients in a skincare product, speak with a doctor or dermatologist before making any changes yourself. Again, using high doses of active ingredients on your skin could end up making things much worse.

Handling bad reactions

The downside of using active ingredients is the risk of potential adverse reactions. Active compounds are more likely to pose such risks, particularly if they are chemical-based. Having a list of the active ingredients in your skincare products can help you identify the culprits of rashes, hives, blisters and general irritation. If you suspect that a certain ingredient is causing skin problems, discontinue use immediately and contact your doctor. However, products without active ingredients are usually not strong enough to have a positive effect on the skincare condition or problem being treated.

Brands that use active ingredients that work

MDSUN is a leading skincare brand that is very much focused on the creation of products that are going to work. The brand was founded on the fact that at one time there were very few prescription skincare products available to consumers that we're able to be used for any long period of time. This was because the products were too harsh and the active ingredients in them were much too concentrated. These products were causing redness, dryness, irritation, and inflammation. MDSUN strives to find the perfect blend between efficiency and gentleness. This means that active ingredients and the percentages of them in products is MDSUN’s specialty. All of the products sold by MDSUN will provide long-term improvement in the look and feel of your skin.

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